Jobs for Developers

Senior Software Engineer - Acquisition

PayfitFull-time$100k - $250k*Berlin, GermanyAug 22, 2022

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PayFit vereinfacht die Gehaltsabrechnung und HR-Prozesse für KMUs. PayFit ist eine automatisierte SaaS-Lösung, die Geschäftsinhabern und Personalverantwortlichen hilft, Zeit und Geld zu sparen, damit sie sich wieder auf das konzentrieren können, was wirklich wichtig ist: ihre Mitarbeiter.

Seit 2015 haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, die digitale Transformation des HR-Managements durch unser ständig wachsendes Angebot an Produktfunktionen und Dienstleistungen zu unterstützen. Wir haben eine starke Präsenz in Frankreich und sind in Deutschland, Spanien und Großbritannien schnell gewachsen. Mit 8.000 Kunden in 4 Ländern sind wir eines der am schnellsten wachsenden SaaS-Unternehmen in Europa.

Heute sind mehr als 1.000 Mitarbeiter bei PayFit beschäftigt, und wir alle teilen vier Grundwerte:

- Füreinander sorgen
- Immer bescheiden bleiben
- Streben nach Spitzenleistungen
- Mit Leidenschaft leben und arbeiten

Wir engagieren uns für eine Kultur der Inklusion und ein Umfeld, in dem man sich in Freiheit und Verantwortung entfalten kann.

You'll be joining the Acquisition team

You will start your Payfit journey by joining the Acquisition  team as a senior fullstack software engineer. We are part of the User Autonomy stream, our mission is to help our users be more autonomous with the product and rely less on human support. 

Our squad is composed of 2 passionate engineers and a tri-force to lead them : an Engineering Manager, a Product Manager and a Designer. This organization allows us to follow initiative from the moment they are thought and designed to the release in production moment. It is amazing to be able to see our impact on end users this way. 

The Acquisition team collaborates closely with marketing, growth teams. Our project is transversal to product, marketing, and experimentation. Everything that you will deliver has a direct and measurable impact on Payfit’s business goals.   

If you are motivated by working in a multidisciplinary environment, solving users' fronting challenges and seeing the impact of your work on business metrics, this could be the perfect opportunity for you!

What will be your role?
Your mission will be to contribute to the whole development process (from system design to delivery and production support). 

You will: 
• Design, develop, test and maintain robust architectures and services for maximum reliability, resilience and scalability with security in mind. 
• Work with a Product Manager & Product Designer on feature development & product initiatives. You will leverage data to identify growth opportunities and new experiments in collaboration with the Triforce.  
• Instrument the growth funnel to enable proper tracking and analysis of experiments 
• Participate actively in defining the architecture vision to better support our growing user base and scale accordingly. 
• Maintain a high level of quality through test definition, automation and continuous delivery 
• Promote our engineering culture and best practices.

What are our tools?
👩🏼‍💻 TypeScript, Node.js, NestJS, Nx, React, Docker, PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, AWS, MongoDB, GraphQL...
👭 Code collaboration: GitHub, CircleCI
👩🏻‍💼 Project management and knowledge: JIRA, Notion, Miro, Whimsical
💬 Communication: Slack, Zoom
🎨 Design tool: Figma

What are we looking for?

Senior engineer: You have at least 6+ years of experience with software development. You have worked in different company environments that allowed you to work on production systems with a good volume of traffic and data. You also have experience in Frontend and Backend development. 

Problem solver: You are pragmatic and product-driven. You are interested in solving problems and delivering value while taking into account business and tech tradeoffs.

Best Practices: You are organized and rigorous. You follow best practices regarding code quality, clean architecture, testing, monitoring, code reviews and CI/CD.

Impact Maker: You are creative, passionate about building software and want to contribute to deliver an innovative product used by thousands of end users.

Team player: You have good communication skills, are comfortable working in a remote environment, and can easily work with non-technical colleagues (Product Manager and Product Designer but also Sales and Marketing). You enjoy mentoring and training more junior colleagues.

Curiosity: You are curious, open-minded and self motivated.  You are eager to learn and introduce new tools and methodologies where it can help us grow.

Communication: You are fluent in English. You are a great communicator, verbally and in writing.
Hiring process

Validation of the application

1 - HR Phone interview with a Talent Acquisition Specialist. (30-45mins)
2 - Meet Hélène, the squad Engineering Manager (1h00). This interview includes a technical test about quality and delivery.
3 - A system design interview followed by a short pair programming session with two senior engineers (1h30)
4 - Meet with Pierre, Engineering director of the foundations tribe (30 min)

Last step - Background check to verify your identity, diploma and past professional experience in the context of our ISO27001 certification

Unser Angebot 

Werde Teil eines dynamischen und internationalen Teams, erlebe die Atmosphäre einer schnell wachsenden und innovativen SaaS Company und sichere dir: 

- Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag
- Attraktive Vergütung 
- 30 Urlaubstage plus 2 weitere Urlaubstage an Weihnachten und Silvester
- Jubiläumsgeschenke
- Regelmäßiges Coaching, Team Workshops und Budget für Weiterbildung
- Modernes Büro im Berliner Szene-Viertel Kreuzberg (mit leckeren Snacks!)
- Die Möglichkeit, regelmäßig im Home Office bzw. dort wo du dich wohlfühlst zu arbeiten #workfromanywhere
- Kostenlose Getränke
- BVG Firmenticket (dein Anteil beträgt lediglich 15 Euro pro Monat)
- Mitgliedschaft im Urban Sports Club (dein Anteil beträgt lediglich nur 14,90 Euro pro Monat)
- Mittagessenszuschuss (6,67€ für 15 Tage im Monat)
- Transparente und moderne Firmenkultur 
- Du bist Teil eines dynamischen und internationalen Teams und hast die Möglichkeit unsere Büros in Paris, Barcelona und London zu besuchen
- Du hast einen echten Einfluss auf deine eigenen Prozesse und auf das gesamte Unternehmen

Werde PayFiter und bewirb dich jetzt! Wir freuen uns dich kennenzulernen!


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